The IDEA Mentorship Working Group is a cross-divisional and cross-functional group of passionate advocates for mentorship. In October 2021, the IDEA Senior Leadership Council (SLC) agreed to support a lab-wide mentoring initiative that could fill employee needs beyond what existing divisional mentoring programs provide. As a result of the SLC’s feedback, we have spent the past year developing this effort, named MENTORING@LBNL, to pilot impactful lab-wide events and resources related to mentoring.
There are two workstreams that our IDEA Mentorship Working Group manages simultaneously under the Mentoring@LBNL umbrella: one is dedicated to piloting a Just-in-Time (JIT) Mentoring program, which launched in November 2022 and the other is adapting a DOE-developed program called Entering Mentoring to upskill aspiring mentors on best-practices beginning early 2023. There is a subcommittee dedicated to each workstream.
Caren Chung
Sr. HR Partner, OCFO
Alexandra Degg
Pr. HR Business Partner, Biosciences Area Office & Biological Systems & Engineering Division
Janie Pinterits
Program Manager, IDEA Office
Meg Rodriguez
Director, Career Pathways Office
Deb Agarwal
CSA Representative
Division Director, Scientific Data
Ann Almgren
CSA Representative
Department Head of Applied Mathematics Department & Senior Scientist, Applied Mathematics & Computational Research Division
Mary Barnum
Ops Represenative
Business Manager,
Office of the Deputy Lab Director for Operations/COO
Jerri Carmo
ETA Representative
Deputy of Operations,
Energy Technologies Area
Kate Coldwell
EESA Representative
Sr. HR Business Partner,
Earth & Environmental Sciences
Carol Chien
EESA Representative
Program Operations Analyst, EESA
CSA Representative
Group Leader, User Engagement, NERSC
Kenneth Higa
Early Career ERG (ECERG)) Representative
Research Scientist: Battery Group
Shannon Kotter
ETA Representative
Sr. HR Business Partner,
Energy Technologies Area
Susan Lucas
CSA Representative
Deputy of Business Operations, ESnet
Jimmy Mai
Ops Representative
Computer Systems Engineer,
IT Division
Maria Maroudas
Ops Represenative
Principal HR Business Partner, Laboratory Directorate,
Human Resources, Security and Emergency Services
Natasha Nelson
ETA Representative
Business Manager,
Energy Technologies Area
Asmita Patel
PSA Representative
Deputy of Operations, ATAP
Justin Placencia
Ops Representative
Sr. Administrator,
Career Pathways Office
Brian Quiter
PSA Representative
Staff Applied Physicist/Engineer and Deputy Head of the Applied Nuclear Physics program,
Physics Division
Ambily Rajappan
ESA Representative
Sr. HR Partner,
Energy Sciences Area Office,
Chemical Sciences,
Material Sciences
Jose Sierra
Ops Representative
Systems Specialist, IT Division
Ashley White
ESA Representative
Interim Deputy for Strategy, Director of Communications, Advanced Light Source
Amanda Suppanich
Culture & Change Management Specialist, Learning & Culture
Antoine Wojdyla
ESA Representative
Research Scientist,
Advanced Light Source
Charlette Lim Yankowitz
ETA Representative
HR Business Partner,
Energy Technologies Area