Looking for mentorship opportunities at the Lab? 

Choose a button below to learn more about lab-wide and divisional programs.

Establishing a mentoring relationship can help support your career advancement and and professional growth. Generally speaking, mentorship is development oriented (helps you build skills); Sponsorship is advancement oriented (helps raise your visibility within the organization); Coaching is performance oriented (enables you to improve your skills). 

Depending on who your mentor is, they may also be able to serve as a sponsor and/or coach. We encourage you to build a network of support where you can access mentoring, coaching and sponsorship opportunities across your career.


Upcoming Mentoring@LBNL Workshops

Prepare for your First Mentoring Meeting - Introduction to Mentoring & Aligning Expectations

Tuesday, January 28, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (ZOOM) - Register HERE

Mentoring relationships offer great benefits to both the mentor and the mentee. But the first couple of meetings are critical to getting the relationship off on the right foot and setting the foundation for a productive and enjoyable mentoring experience.

The purpose of this practical, hands-on workshop is to get you ready for that first meeting, whether as a mentor or a mentee. We’ll help you craft your own tailored talking points for that first meeting, and make a plan for how to effectively align your own goals and expectations with those of your mentoring partner.

Those participating in formal mentoring relationship as part of an Area mentoring program are warmly invited to attend (if not already attending a kickoff in their own Area). The workshop is also open to anyone who is interested in building mentoring skills.

Meet the Lab employees who manage the area and Lab-wide mentoring programs.

This initiative is sponsored by the Career Pathways Office and the Office of Organizational Stewardship.