Looking for mentorship opportunities at the Lab?
Choose a button below to learn more about lab-wide and divisional programs.
Establishing a mentoring relationship can help support your career advancement and and professional growth. Generally speaking, mentorship is development oriented (helps you build skills); Sponsorship is advancement oriented (helps raise your visibility within the organization); Coaching is performance oriented (enables you to improve your skills).
Depending on who your mentor is, they may also be able to serve as a sponsor and/or coach. We encourage you to build a network of support where you can access mentoring, coaching and sponsorship opportunities across your career.
Receive guidance and support from a respected member of the Lab community.
Get professional development advice
Experience increased confidence
Gain institutional knowledge and understanding of how the Lab works, and how things get done.
Gain a greater awareness of other approaches to work-based problems.
Build a network of colleagues and expand your knowledge about different areas of the organization.
Have a confidential sounding board for ideas and challenges.
Upcoming Mentoring@LBNL Workshop
Thursday, March 27, 2025
Mentoring@LBNL: Maintaining Effective Communication
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Meet the Lab employees who manage the area and Lab-wide mentoring programs.
This initiative is sponsored by the Career Pathways Office and the Office of Organizational Stewardship.